Cuckoo 3 Installation Guide

May 28, 2022 08:33 Β· 1387 words Β· 7 minute read

In this blogpost, I’ll share my notes on the installation of the Cuckoo 3 Sandbox. Cuckoo is the leading open source automated malware analysis system. It is used to launch malware in a secure and isolated environment.

Thanks to folks at Hatching and CERT-EE, we now have a full rewrite of Cuckoo in Python 3! You can find their original setup instructions on the official Estonian CERT repo here .

Note, this guide is intended to be read more like a cookbook than a standalone tutorial and should be fully reproducible (at the time of writing this article). Also, I’ve used vSphere as my main virtualization platform, but it should in theory apply to any other platform as well.

Installation πŸ”—

Download Ubuntu Server 20.04

Import the Ubuntu image into vSphere with the following specs (yours may change)

  • 16 CPUs
  • 64 GB Memory
  • 120 GB storage (Thin Provision)

Since we are going to be running a VM inside VM, we have to enable the nested virtualization. Go to CPU section and tick the box Expose hardware assisted virtualization to the guest OS

During the installation:

  • Set the hostname to cuckoo-sandbox (optionally)
  • Create non-root user cuckoo
  • Enable Open-SSH server for remote access

Network setup πŸ”—

Setup the system with your network configuration, and ensure it has internet access.

Edit file /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml accordingly.

  version: 2
      dhcp4: no
        addresses: [,]

Apply changes

sudo netplan apply

Dependency installation πŸ”—

First, let’s update the system

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

The following dependencies are required for successful installation

sudo apt install git build-essential python3-dev python3.8-venv libhyperscan5 libhyperscan-dev libjpeg8-dev zlib1g-dev unzip p7zip-full rar unace-nonfree cabextract yara tcpdump genisoimage qemu-system-x86 qemu-utils qemu-system-common -y

Fix the permissions for KVM access

sudo adduser cuckoo kvm
sudo chmod 666 /dev/kvm

Configuring tcpdump πŸ”—

Add existing user cuckoo to pcap group

sudo groupadd pcap
sudo adduser cuckoo pcap
sudo chgrp pcap /usr/sbin/tcpdump

Allow creation of pcaps for non-root users

sudo setcap cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin=eip /usr/sbin/tcpdump

Ubuntu uses Apparmor, so we need to disable the profile for tcpdump (Alternatively, adding an exception would also do)

sudo ln -s /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.tcpdump /etc/apparmor.d/disable/
sudo apparmor_parser -R /etc/apparmor.d/disable/usr.sbin.tcpdump

Reload the apparmor profile

sudo apparmor_parser -r /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.tcpdump

Installing Cuckoo from source πŸ”—

Fetch the source from github

sudo chown cuckoo /opt && cd /opt
git clone
cd cuckoo3

Create and activate new Python environment for Cuckoo. Ensure package wheel is installed for later building.

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install wheel

Launch main installer script


Create Cuckoo working directory (CWD)

cuckoo createcwd

Install the stager and monitoring binaries

cuckoo getmonitor

Extract cuckoo signatures to the right location

unzip -d ~/.cuckoocwd/signatures/cuckoo/

Installing vmcloak πŸ”—

This utility is not mandatory, however it greatly simplifies the process of VM creation and configuration. For now, let’s just install it.

git clone && cd vmcloak
pip install . && cd ..

Configuring QEMU network interface πŸ”—

Create a new brige with the name br0 and range

sudo /opt/cuckoo3/venv/bin/vmcloak-qemubridge br0

Append the line allow br0 to the file bridge.conf

sudo mkdir -p /etc/qemu
echo 'allow br0' | sudo tee /etc/qemu/bridge.conf

Change the permissions for qemu-bridge-helper script. It needs a special SUID bit for creation of new interfaces.

sudo chmod u+s /usr/lib/qemu/qemu-bridge-helper

VM Setup πŸ”—

Using vmcloak, download the Windows 10 ISO (build 1703).

vmcloak isodownload --win10x64 --download-to ~/win10x64.iso

Mount the image as read only

sudo mkdir /mnt/win10x64
sudo mount -o loop,ro /home/cuckoo/win10x64.iso /mnt/win10x64

Install Windows as a new base image win10base with all the specs configured. This base image is going to be used later on to spin up live VMs.

vmcloak --debug init --win10x64 --hddsize 128 --cpus 2 --ramsize 4096 --network --vm qemu --ip --iso-mount /mnt/win10x64 win10base br0

Optionally install some basic utilities for better simulation of the real system.

vmcloak --debug install win10base dotnet:4.7.2 java:7u80 vcredist:2013 vcredist:2019 edge carootcert wallpaper disableservices

At this moment, our base image is ready. In the next step, we have to spin up runnable instances from this image. I opted for 5 instances/snapshots, but you can change it to any number. Each VM will have its own IP starting from

vmcloak --debug snapshot --count 5 win10base win10vm_

The setup for Window 10 is finished. Similar steps can be applied for Win7 installation.

vmcloak isodownload --win7x64 --download-to ~/win7x64.iso
sudo mkdir /mnt/win7x64
sudo mount -o loop,ro /home/cuckoo/win7x64.iso /mnt/win7x64
vmcloak --debug init --win7x64 --hddsize 128 --cpus 2 --ramsize 4096 --network --vm qemu --ip --iso-mount /mnt/win7x64 win7base br0
vmcloak --debug install win7base dotnet:4.7.2 java:7u80 vcredist:2013 vcredist:2019 edge carootcert wallpaper disableservices
vmcloak --debug snapshot --count 5 win7base win7vm_

Now that we have created our VMs, let’s import it in Cuckoo

cuckoo machine import qemu ~/.vmcloak/vms/qemu

Delete default exemplary template

cuckoo machine delete qemu example1

Init cuckoo DB. (At the time of writing this article, this command results in some errors. Just ignore them for now)

cuckoomigrate database all

Configure the correct IP of the result server in the file ~/.cuckoocwd/conf/cuckoo.yaml

 # listen IP and port. Make sure the IP is off a network interface that is part of the analysis machine network or
 # route/forward traffic between the analysis machines and the resultserver.
-  listen_ip:
+  listen_ip:
   listen_port: 2042

MISP integration πŸ”—

Optionally we can configure MISP by adding the API key and URL of the MISP instance.

The following file has to be changed ~/.cuckoocwd/conf/processing/misp.yaml

 # Enable the usage of MISP queries in pre and post  processing for
 # the discovered IOCs.
- enabled: False
+ enabled: True

 # The MISP API url. Is also used as the base URL for creating links to
 # events.
- url: null
+ url: <your_misp_url>

 # Verify if the configured MISP server is using a valid TLS certificate.
 # Disable this your certificate is self-signed or no certificate is used.
verify_tls: True

 # The API key to access the MISP api.
- key: null
+ key: <misp_api_key>

Enabling VirusTotal πŸ”—

Optionally add your VT API key to file ~/.cuckoocwd/conf/processing/virustotal.yaml

 # The VirusTotal API key to use. The default API key, kindly provided
 # by the VirusTotal team, should enable you with a sufficient throughput
 # and while being shared with all our users, it should not affect your use.
- key: a0283a2c3d55728300d064874239b5346fb991317e8449fe43c902879d758088
+ key: <vt_api_key>

Starting Cuckoo πŸ”—

A quick way to start cuckoo is to launch the dev server with the --debug option. This is not an efficient way, but will suffice for testing purposes. For a production-ready setup see the Post-installation part.

Start the cuckoo daemon

cuckoo --debug

Launch the cuckoo internal webserver

cuckoo web --host --port 8080

Post installation πŸ”—

In this part, we’ll see how to setup cuckoo for production use, create a simple launcher script and build the documentation.

Build the docs πŸ”—

Switch to the folder containing docs

cd /opt/cuckoo3/docs

Install couple dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Build the docs with mkdocs and copy to right destination

mkdocs build
cp -R site ../web/cuckoo/web/static/docs

Installing nginx πŸ”—

Install uwsgi a nginx

pip install uwsgi
sudo apt-get install uwsgi uwsgi-plugin-python3 nginx -y

Generate the conf file for uswgi

cuckoo web generateconfig --uwsgi > cuckoo-web.ini
sudo mv cuckoo-web.ini /etc/uwsgi/apps-available/
sudo ln -s /etc/uwsgi/apps-available/cuckoo-web.ini /etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled/cuckoo-web.ini

Add the user cuckoo to the group www-data

sudo adduser www-data cuckoo

In the file ~/.cuckoocwd/web/ change the STATIC_ROOT so that it points to the folder with static assets

 # Uncomment and set this path to a path all static files should be copied to
 # when running 'cuckoo web djangocommand collectstatic'. These files should
 # be served by a web server.
+STATIC_ROOT = "/opt/cuckoo3/web/cuckoo/web/static"

Generate the nginx conf files

cuckoo web generateconfig --nginx > cuckoo-web.conf

Configure the server to listen on port 80

 server {
-     listen;
+     listen 80;

Add the conf file to nginx folder and create a symbolic link

sudo mv cuckoo-web.conf /etc/nginx/sites-available/cuckoo-web.conf
sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/cuckoo-web.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/cuckoo-web.conf

Remove the default welcoming page from nginx and restart both services

sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
sudo systemctl restart nginx uwsgi

Launcher script πŸ”—

For the sake of convenience, I’ve put together this little script that is responsible for launching the cuckoo in quite mode using tmux. Probably a better approach would be to create a systemd service and enable it to launch on boot.

sudo /opt/cuckoo3/venv/bin/vmcloak-qemubridge br0
source /opt/cuckoo3/venv/bin/activate
tmux new-session -d -s cuckoo 'cuckoo --quiet'

Cuckoo is now started in the background. Whenever you want to re-attach to the cuckoo session use tmux a

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